Defence - essence of soul
Defence - essence of soul


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Helps arm + defend against colds, congestion with soothing natural anti bacterial ingredients*. Not only may it aid the body when feeling a bit under the weather, the bonus emotional assistance is clarity of mind, stress relief and purification. A natural mood uplift

 ________ Use Guide ________

Diffuser: 3 to 8 drops to help with congestion, air born germs and bacteria. Try also diffusing in the bedroom at night for a more restful sleep. If helping your little one's stuffy nose and or chest, reduce to 3 drops.
On the go? Place a few drops on a cotton ball or tissue, take it with you and inhale for instant relief.  
Steam bowl - Boil water and add 5 drops. Place a towel over your head and the bowl. Breath in the oils for a couple of minutes to aid the congestion and heaviness of the head. If the steam is too hot for you, wait for it to slightly cool down until it’s a comfortable temperature.

INGREDIENTS: Eucalyptus Australian (Eucalyptus radiata), Lemon Australian (Citrus limon), Rosemary Premium (Rosmarinus officinalis) , Peppermint Premium Australian (Piperita Mentha).

  • Eucalyptus Australian  | Plant Part: Leaves Extraction: Cold Pressed
  • Lemon Australian  | Plant Part: Fruit Peel | Extraction: Cold Pressed
  • Rosemary Premium | Plant Part: Branches | Extraction: Steam Distilled
  • Peppermint Premium Australian | Plant Part: Leaf | Extraction: Steam Distilled

SIZE:  10ml / 0.34 fl.oz

DISCLOSURES: STORE UPRIGHT · KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DO NOT INGEST · STORE BELOW 30°C  · keep out of direct sunlight · avoid near eyes · avoid during pregnancy · do not use near animals · external use only

DISCLAIMER: *Statements made within QYORA™ website and labelling have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). No products manufactured, marketed, or distributed are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

Imagine if you could be satisfied and content with your purchase. That can very much be your reality with the Defence.

Inventory Last Updated: Jan 25, 2025

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